Programme #1
Healthcare Workers for Health Justice
This program is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their understanding and implementation of health justice, and explore together how health practitioners can become forces for collective liberation. Health justice is a deep and expansive lens through which we can contribute to various interconnected struggles.
We welcome people who recognise that as health practitioners we can and do inflict violence, especially when we fail to understand the root causes of illness and perpetuate individualistic or racist medical narratives. We hope to understand and challenge this together in community with those impacted by medical violence.
In this transformative program tailored specifically for health practitioners, we will enter a comprehensive learning journey spread across seven sessions. The program is strategically structured into three phases, comprising four online sessions leading up to an immersive in person day and followed by three additional online sessions. The sessions will take place every two weeks with an in-person day on in London, with travel and food included.
Each phase includes an introductory exploration of the topic, dynamic peer learning, analysis of Centric Lab reports, guest speakers and somatic practices..
Participants will be looking to apply our co-learning programme in their work and life, whatever that looks like for them. We hope to build networks of kin who can continue to learn together and practise health justice beyond the program, and we invite people to become part of this ecosystem.
This programme is divided into 3 learning phases
We will introduce the physiological link between systemic injustices and health outcomes through the stress response.
In this phase we will cover the history of disease and its link to planetary dysregulation. Looking at supremacy epistemologies and their influence on how we speak, understand and treat disease. This will be interlinked with environmental injustice to understand the through-line between planetary dysregulation and poor health outcomes.
We will be exploring how we move towards healing systems that are rooted in epistemologies of Kinship and dignity.
About the Programme
PROGRAMME START: Monday 29th April 2024
* please note this programme is for UK based professionals only.