Radical Infrastructure for Communal Healing

Centric Lab are prototyping ways to use health-based scientific evidence to support justice movements, surface and socialise non-western epistemologies and create language to articulate the injustices felt by many communities in our health. Using neuroscience and environmental data to identify how biological inequity contributes to poor health outcomes in neighbourhoods and peoples that have been racialised and marginalised, they use this research to build open-access community tools, create new narratives and framings of health, and provide organisations with expertise and insights on health and place.


While we are a traditional scientific lab, we recognise that science alone will not lead us to justice. This is led us to creating a "process for justice". Technically, this is not “our” process, it is from the Zapatista, the Black Panther Party, and various other justice movements who seek healing that is rooted in dignity, kinship, and love.


Starting every journey with epistemological studies to change cognitive framings of health


Identifying the policies and structures that lead to health and environmnetal justice


Identifying how injustice is linked to disease and poor health at a community level


Tools and methods to work in communion with people that lead to health justice

We all deserve the dignity to breathe air without pollutants, live in neighbourhoods that support life, drink nourishing water, and live without oppression. We exist to walk with those committed to health justice.

We partnered with Guppi Bola and Dr. Rhiannon Mihranian to create a four part audio series that links the knowledge roots of oppressive policies, polluted environments that dysregulate our planetary systems, and health outcomes. If you are interested in understanding why we do our work, please have a listen.

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