Vital Signs - Another World is Possible

Centric Lab are part of a special exhibition at the Science Gallery London.


“Places our own actions as both problem and the solution, and encourages us to think of our impact on the world”



VITAL SIGNS: another world is possible | Exhibition open: Wed - Sat 11am - 6pm

What do you consider to be vital to your survival? The air you breathe? The water you drink? The earth that feeds you? 

The health of our planet is essential for the survival of all living things, including you. To thrive, we need to build stronger alliances with each other, and with all other species.  

Science Gallery London’s exhibition, Vital Signs: Another world is possible brings together artists, designers and researchers to explore these relationships and how the health of the natural world - from our waterways to our atmosphere and the ocean floor - is intimately connected to our own health and wellbeing.   

Revealing unique perspectives on our surrounding environments through creative, sensory works and multiple voices, this exhibition reinforces the fact that humans are fundamentally a part of nature rather than apart from it. 

Vital Signs shares the ways people are shaping liveable and hopeful futures, here in London and around the world.  It confronts environmental injustices and asks us to consider: what changes could we make if we understand that the planet’s health is an extension of our own? 


Updated: Resourcing Radical Knowledge Infrastructures


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