Obesity Health Justice Pamphlet Launch Event

On 11th July the cohort behind the co-designed Obesity Justice Pamphlet held an evening event with a select group to share insights, learnings, and aims of the Pamphlet. These are the 3 presentations in audio format that took place.


Araceli is a neuroscientist at Centric Lab studying the links between obesity and the political determinants of health.


Dr. Dobbin is a practicing GP working in Somers Town, London and a researcher at University College London in their primary health care department. Joanna discusses the history of western medicine and its approach to obesity.

Charlotte is a cognitive neuroscientist working with Centric Lab. Charlotte has been the programme coordinator and lead researcher. Charlotte is also someone who lives with Obesity. Charlotte discusses the harm of the individualised narrative of Obesity.

Rebecca is a member of the public who lives with Obesity and has been a part of the programme. Rebecca discusses her personal lived experience in dealing with the harms caused by the healthcare systems and talks about her experience on the programme.

Rebecca Blyden


Further Reading


Healing, Not Thinning