Supporting Health in East London

Ground truthing health statistics to inform local government governance and innovation strategy

Client SHIFT / London Legacy Development Corporation
Project Health Trends in East London
Challenge How to match a multi-stakeholder innovation partnership to the needs of East Londoners. SHIFT wanted to understand more about the place based determinants of health, what role can this new collaboration have on the health of east Londoners, and how does innovation fit within this?
Methods Community Interviews, Desktop Research
Outputs Report, Event, Workshop
Outcomes The client is able to develop their innovation strategy for health and wellbeing centred on insights on the place-based links to health and wellbeing. They are able to use their poltical, economic, and cultural capital to great effect in leveraging innovation towards systemic effect on the health of east Londoners.

Ensuring an inclusive and accessible environment for a changing Euston


Environmental Data for Health Justice